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Welcome to

Hillside Primary

and Nursery School

Contact Details

School Uniform

The school uniform colours are: Royal Blue and Gold. Children are encouraged to wear our uniform to create a sense of identity and shared pride.


Our local suppliers are:


Hucknall Sports 

2A High St



NG15 7HD 

Phone: 0115 952 1122


Price and Buckland -


Full Uniform List:



Fleece / shower proof jackets royal blue

Sweatshirts / cardigans royal blue

Polo shirts / T-shirts gold

Trousers / skirts grey 



Gingham dresses royal blue

Shorts grey 

All items are available with the school logo embroidered on them.



Suitable, sensible, plain black shoes for boys and girls

Fashion shoes such as trainers and footwear with flashing lights, flimsy, high heeled,

backless sandals are not allowed for safety reasons.


PE Kit: Children start PE classes in year 1 - Please ensure all clothing is marked with your child’s name and stored in a named PE bag

Gold T-shirt with Hillside Logo - available to purchase from Hucknall Sports

Royal Blue shorts - available to purchase from Hucknall Sports 

Royal Blue Hoodie with Hillside Logo - available to purchase from Hucknall Sports 

Plimsolls for all children

Trainers for outdoor sport optional



We have a policy of no jewellery in school with the exception of a watch and stud

earrings. These must be removed or covered with tape for P.E.

Partnership Motto

Growing a culture of being the best version of ourselves Look back with pride and forward with confidence
