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Religious Education KKPDs

“Religions are different roads converging to the same point.  What does it matter that we take different roads as long as we reach the same goal?  In reality, there are as many different religions as there are individuals.”

Mahatma Gandhi


RE at Hillside aims to encourage interest in different world religions and views and how they fit into our world.  We want to give children an understanding of the different religions and how they impact on the daily lives of the followers and how the different religions and world views have an impact on the world around us.

This is achieved through a range of learning opportunities and experiences delivered as a discrete subject separate to our enquiry.  Children learn key knowledge and are encouraged to develop the skills of RE such as enquiring into what enables different communities to live together respectfully and reflecting on the different ways of life around us.

A year 6 RE student can:

  • Describe key religions and how they are followed.
  • Explain what they think about different religions and world views.
  • Describe what concepts such as belonging, meaning, purpose and truth mean to them.

Partnership Motto

Growing a culture of being the best version of ourselves Look back with pride and forward with confidence
