Design and Technology KKPDs
“Design and Technology should be the subject where mathematical brainboxes and science whizzkids turn their bright ideas into useful products.”
James Dyson
“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.”
Steve Jobs
Design and Technology at Hillside aims to encourage interest in and enjoyment of the designing and making process. We want to give children an understanding of how to research into different products, the designing process – including testing ideas – and then making and evaluating their product.
This is achieved through a range of learning opportunities and experiences delivered through an enquiry approach as a curriculum enhancer. Children learn key knowledge and are encouraged to develop the skills of a designer such as how to strengthen the materials they use and how to evaluate the effectiveness of their product.
A year 6 designer can:
- Talk about how they design a project.
- Explain how they choose the materials and tools they used in a project.
- Explain why their project was good and what they could have done to make it better.
- Describe food that they have made and how they did it.
Partnership Motto

Growing a culture of being the best version of ourselves Look back with pride and forward with confidence